These are the most common answers why they booked my tantric service:
I miss being touched and pampered
I work too much and lately find it hard to relax or sleep
I am single
I need to relax and things flow and do nothing at all..
your webpage
**How do I know if I am ready for a tantra massage?
As a matter of fact you are always ready for a tantra massage, since tantra is always starting from where you are.
A tantra massage offers you the possibility to just relax and receive love and conscious sensual touch.But sometimes your mind can easily think that there is something in particular that you need to ‘be’ or ‘do’ before you come for a massage, and this may create doubts in you whether you are ready for it. You are welcome to write to me or call me and ask me questions, if you are not sure whether you are ready, or if you feel uncertain about whether tantra massage is for you, or uncertain about how it is to receive a tantra massage.
**How long time in advance do you need to make a booking for your massage?
-Normally it will be possible for me to offer you a time for an individual massage within a week, but if you have any special wishes, for example if you wish to book a couple massage, you may need to wait a little longer. Sometimes you can be lucky to be offered a time for a massage already the same day, however it is not possible just to show up.
-Audrey massage service is not a walk-in spa. You need to book a time slot in advance.(By appointment only)
**Am I allowed to touch you {Audrey}during the massage?
-A tantra massage in the Tantra Temple is a unique opportunity for you to feel yourself and let go of all that which you usually think you should be, so you instead get a pure and loving experience of your true, sensual, loving, powerful and peaceful self.
-For this reason my recommendation is that you turn your attention inwards, towards what is going on inside of yourself, and that you focus upon receiving and being completely present in your experience.
**But,I am a man,I will get an erection during the massage..
That is very normal.
A tantra massage can have many different expressions during the massage – some people have an experience of a deeper relaxation than ever before, others experience feeling much more alive and full of energy, while others experience deep feelings of arousal and pleasure.
**What if I, as a man, get an orgasm during the massage?
It is possible to experience tantric orgasms during a tantra massage, an ecstatic sensation in the entire body without losing the energy through ejaculation afterwards. Some of my clients even experience orgasms without having an erection. However, it is worth mentioning that for most men learning how to achieve regenerating implosive orgasms require intensive training and knowledge of how your body and energy functions.
It is also worth mentioning that it is not the goal of a tantra massage to have an orgasm, but to awaken the heart, connect with the deeper part of your being and open up to life. In tantra sexuality is a natural part of our being that we aim to connect with the heart. Part of awakening as a human being and to feel more energized and full of life comes together with the harmonious awakening of the sexual energy, and therefore I consider an orgasm to be a natural expression of aliveness and awakening and at the same time neither something to hunt for or to run away from.
**What if I, as a woman, experience pleasure during the massage and get an orgasm – do I then need to hold back?
-My experience and the tantric wisdom teaches us that it is important for a woman’s understanding of who she truly is not to hold back anything – neither sadness, anger, sorrow, desire, pleasure, ecstatic feelings or pure happiness.
All your emotions are welcome and none of them are more welcomed or rejected than the others.
-women reacts very differently during the massages and also that the same woman can experience many different reactions and emotions both during the same massage and from one massage to another. You can also experience to pass directly from a feeling of sadness to a feeling of deep pleasure during the massage, or from a feeling of shame to freedom – if you let your emotions unfold without trying to suppress anything.
If you feel desire or pleasure during the massage you can feel safe to express so – I will stay centred in love and in the beautiful and elevated energy, and that I will stay within the settings of a tantra massage.
No matter how much desire or pleasure you manifest and feel, you can be completely certain about that the massage not all of a sudden develops into sexual intercourse – and you should know that you are welcome with all that you are and feel. Finally, it is also important to understand that there is no ‘goal’ in the tantra massage, which means that there are no expectations that you neither SHOULD experience orgasm nor there is no rule saying that you are NOT allowed to experience orgasms. In my opinion, you are exactly as you should be with all the feelings that you will experience during the massage.
**Am I unfaithful to my partner if I receive a tantra massage?
No. A tantra massage is a unique experience of deepening into the feeling of who you truly are and awaken your sensual and ecstatic potential.
I am very professional as well as present with all their heart. There is never any sexual intercourse during any of my sessions. I am sensual, beautiful and loving, and I have big respect for your private sphere and for my own. I am here to give inspiration, knowledge, new experiences and insight into your own potential. You will discover that this type of massage can greatly enrich your couple relationship and inspire you in your everyday life for more love and intimacy.
**Will I be completely naked during the massage?
Yes. A tantra massage is a very intimate experience. Not so much because of your nudity , but because one of the purposes of a tantra massage is to profoundly touch the heart and go into that space where we are fully present, vulnerable and where we find the source to love from within. For this reason I does not keep a distance of an arm’s length. Caring, loving and conscious touch goes far into the heart, and for this reason I put emphasis on the touch of skin-to-skin, and heart to heart, in the massages.
**Is it possible to send my pictures or video chat before the massage?
No. I do not videochats or exchange photos with clients. My webpage has my photos and a video clip..
I want to ensure that the massage becomes an experience of who you truly are and not a repetition of your normal ideas about personal attraction. However you can tell from my webpage photos that I am an attractive masseuse.
**What if my mind is very busy and full of thoughts during the massage?
It is very normal that the mind is drifting away during the massage, you will notice that gradually it will become easier to relax.I will be there with you ..
If you would like to be more present during the massage, then you can return to the present moment either by focusing on your breath (without changing it) or by focusing on the experience of the senses and following the sensations of touch with your attention. Aim to just perceive what is happening during the massage, including the sensation of your body, feeling, thoughts, energy and consciousness.
**Am I allowed to book Audrey_massage service if I am under 18years of age?
No! I only offer my tantric massage services to all genders above the age of 21.
**Do I have any discounts if you come for a massage more times?
No, I do not have any discount, as I have the same costs and time frame for all massages whether you are a new client or if you are my loyal regular client. All massages are unique for me, and I always offer my entire knowledge and heart in all my massages.
**How many times and how often do you need to come for tantra massage?
A tantra massage is a unique experience of deepening into the feeling of who you truly are and awakening your sensual and ecstatic potential. You can come for a massage as often or as rarely as you would like. If you are working through specific issues or aiming for a certain goal then speak with me and I will take care of you and help you through the process you are going through, I offer you a continuity in your massages, so you can go deeper into it and come out stronger.
**Do you need to look or be in a specific manner in order to come for a tantra massage?
My clients consist of both men and women at all ages and from all places in life. You are welcome regardless of who you are – and I am looking forward to experiencing the unique human being you are.
**Do you need to know anything specific about tantra before you come for a tantra massage in the Tantra Temple?
It is not necessary to know anything about tantra before you come for a massage, it does not require any preconditions. An important principle in tantra is that “tantra starts where you are”, and I welcome you exactly as you are and regardless where you are in your life and on the tantric path.
**Does tantra massage equal prostitution?
No. It is not possible to have sexual intercourse with me, and neither it is possible to buy extra erotic ‘services’. My tantra massages have a very clear defined setting, which allows my client to meet his or her true sensual and ecstatic self through the touch, guidance and my presence, working with the energies.
**What if I fall in love with you {Audrey} after a couple of sessions together ?
When you experience an intense and beautiful experience together with another human being, it is natural that some feelings for that human being can occur, or you can think that the experience you had came from that other person instead of thinking that it came from something already existing inside of yourself.
The massage is a meeting between hearts, and it is natural that it awakens your heart and also shows which desires, wishes and dreams you have and which you maybe forget about in your everyday life, maybe because you think you do not deserve that which you are longing for, or because you do not believe you can create a life full of love and intimacy.
It is natural for the feelings to awaken and come to life. But the massages are in themselves a clear sign of your opening towards more love and intimacy in your own life – otherwise you would not come for massage – and in the massages you also learn how can be more open, honest and loyal to your true wishes, values and longings and you will see that you begin to attract and create something different than you usually do. For this reason you can say that a feeling of falling in love with me is a sign that you are getting to know your own heart better and that you are learning to create more love and intimacy in your own life.
The fear of getting hurt or abandoned or of the fact that all the beauty comes from the other person and you therefore are going to lose it again, is a universal fear and common for all of us. There is nothing wrong in the feeling of longing or need of something and you are not ‘too much’ if you feel in love or fascinated.
**Can tantra massage replace medical treatment? Can Audrey help me regarding questions of health?
No! I strongly recommend that you always consult your own doctor concerning questions of health that you might have, and I cannot take the responsibility of physical or mental problems that might occur if a client avoid following the instructions of your doctor.
With this being said, you are very welcome to ask me anything that you would like to hear my opinion about .
Until we meet..